I believe that this class is very helpful to me, to others, and it teaches you about what you will need in life. It is a course that most people will take and they will use in everyday life whether they realize it or not. I also think that people who take this course will appreciate what their professor has taught them about the Eglish language.

     College English is a helpful course to me because it teaches me more about grammar and how to be a better writer. I have so far learned how to better write a formal paper, and the correct  way to use grammar and punctuation to make my paper sound more professional and proper.

     This class also helps others by teaching them how to be a better writer and how to express their feelings and emotions more freely. They will learn how to use grammar and write what they want to say, but say it better. They might learn how to sound more formal and proper so they can use it for future situations.

     The College English course will give me the tools I need in life. It will do this by teaching me how to write a formal paper, which I may need for a college entrance paper. I also think it will help me by writing better papers for my other college classes, therefor, I can get a better grade and I can get farther with my writing abilities.

     Overall, I think this class will be good for me, others, and it will teach you lessons you need to know in life. I think I am progressing as a writer and I believe others are too. The one thing I would change is how much effort I put into my first paper. If I would have put more of my time and thought into it, I believe it would have turned out better and I would have received a better grade.

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